In a statement on Thursday, the Nobel Foundations said that the Nobel prize winners would receive their awards remotely in their home countries as the award ceremony in Stockholm was cancelled. The decision was due to uncertainty regarding further course of pandemic and the international travel regulations that keeps changing according to new policies.
On Nobel Day, a ceremony will be conducted at Stockholm’s City Hall, without the laureates. The prize winners can attend the program on December 10th, which will be held for presentations in the categories of science and literature, virtually. The Nobel committee was uncertain whether the prize winners and others can travel to Sweden.
However, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has announced to keep open the possibility of an in-person ceremony. The Nobel Prizes in Oslo are awarded by Norwegian Nobel Committee.
The Nobel Foundations have informed that the prizes for achievement in fields of physics, chemistry, literature, medicine, peace and economics would be announced on days between October 4th to October 11th as usual.
Every year in October, the Nobel prizes are announced and a traditional banquet is conducted in Stockholm City Hall, which will be broadcast on television on December 10th, the Nobel Day. This year, the award program is scheduled to be performed without an audience in the Concert Hall in Stockholm.
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