Four men were executed and their body parts were seen hung in public view in the city of Herat on the heels of Taliban leader Mullah Nooruddin Turabi saying executions will return to Afghanistan. The men are reported to have kidnapped two local businessmen. During its earlier regime as well, the Taliban were notorious for their extreme punishment and public display, which they hoped would deter similar crimes.
Here are some of the Taliban’s most infamous punishments:
> Execution was for guilty killers. According to reports, the victim’s family was instructed to kill the convicted murderers with a single shot to the head. Additionally, victims could accept ‘blood money’ and allow the culprit to live.
> As shown by the hanging bodies, execution is also the punishment for kidnapping. Men were tied up and loaded into a truck recently and paraded around subjected to humiliation.
> There have been reports of criminals being hung with stale bread around their necks, even though their crime hasn’t been revealed, according to media reports.
As part of the older regime, thieves convicted of theft were sentenced to amputation of one hand.
The punishment for highway robbery was the amputation of both a hand and a foot.
In addition to these, the Taliban inflicted some exceptional punishment during its earlier regime. The thumb of a woman who was wearing nail polish was reportedly cut off. Also, public executions were held.
What has changed?
Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, a Taliban leader in charge of prisons, said that these punishments are ‘essential’ for security. Afghanistan’s law and order system is not evaluated by the Taliban since other countries may interfere. This time, the one-eyed and one-legged Taliban leaders said, judges will make decisions, but Sharia law will be applied. The punishments remain the same.
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