United Airlines will be terminating nearly 600 US-based workers from the company, who failed to comply with the vaccination policies of the company. It was the first company to make it compulsory to vaccinate its employees even as early as August.
United Airlines said that it would initiate the process of terminating 593 employees from the carrier company, who have decided to be unvaccinated, on Tuesday. Keeping the carrier’s terms had always been their priority, even though the decision to fire a lot of employees was incredibly difficult, President Brett Hart and Chief Executive Scott Kirby told the employees.
The carrier has notified the workers that they could keep their jobs if they get vaccinated before the official meetings for termination. Several requests were received by the company for vaccine exemptions from employees with religious and medical reasons. Those employees make up 3% of the airline’s US-based workforce, which has a strength of over 67,000 employees, officials reported.
The employees with religious exemptions will be put on personal leave which would be unpaid and temporary, from October 2nd onwards. A law suit which challenged the policies of the carrier have extended the decision to October 15th.
The company plans to hire about 25,000 workers in the coming years and the vaccination mandate would be the condition for employment, a United Airlines spokesperson said. At a Denver career fare, the United Airlines company, received about 700 applications for 400 job vacancies and more than 20,000 applications for 2,000 open postings, last month, spokesperson added.
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