Washington: Former US president Donald Trump lodged a complaint with a federal court, seeking temporary restoration of his twitter account. He argues in the complaint that Twitter was ‘coerced’ by members of Congress to suspend the same. While currently he is seeking for temporarily restoring the account, he pushes forward with efforts toward permanent reinstatement.
Trump filed the request for a preliminary injunction against Twitter on Friday, stating that ‘twitter exercises a degree of power and control over political discourse in this country that is immeasurable, historically unprecedented, and profoundly dangerous to open democratic debate.’ Twitter had permanently banned Trump in January, when the former president had 88 million followers.
In last July, Trump filed a class-action lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Google subsidiary YouTube and their CEOs. It claimed that ‘the status of the three tech giants rises beyond that of a private company to that of a state actor’, and is constrained by the First Amendment of right to free speech in the censorship decisions, regarding its users. Facebook and Twitter have insisted their bans on Trump’s accounts, stating that they are not censorship but were set up for public safety in response to the January 6 unrest at the US Capitol.
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