If fasting during Navratri means eating fried sabudana tikkis and pooris, then you need to read this. People from different parts of the country celebrate Navratri with great joy and enthusiasm. During this nine-day festival, everyone chants, dances, and prays to Goddess Durga. Throughout the country, many people keep fasts during Navratri.
Different people have different approaches to fasting during this period. Fasting is practiced by some people as a way to savor the delicious meals prepared during the festival, while others do it for religious reasons. Fasting, on the other hand, is a great way to detox the body, shed unwanted calories and enhance digestion. Fasting has many benefits that can help to keep your body healthy and active. Here are some tips for fasting in a healthy manner:
1. Keep track of your calorie intakeĀ
You can reduce the amount of calories you consume from your meals by fasting. Keeping an eye on the calories you consume is very important. Make sure you don’t starve yourself by eating only one main meal a day. Consume some fresh fruits and nuts at regular intervals in order to avoid weakness, headaches, and fatigue.
2. Don’t eat more than you need
Please make sure you are not increasing the portion size if you only eat a complete meal once a day. Larger portions can lead to overeating and weight gain.
3. Hydrate yourself
Staying hydrated during a fast is extremely important. It is important to keep the level of fluid in your body at a normal level by drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day. You can also drink smoothies or fruit juice to stay hydrated. In addition, they are a great source of nutrients and can even keep you full for a long time.
4. Eat light food and avoid fried foods
During Navratri fast, many people consume endless fried snacks. Fried foods are high in salt. The only benefit is that they increase weight. Eat light foods whenever possible. Kuttu flour can be used to make idlis and dosas instead of pooris. You can also eat roasted nuts and fresh fruits at regular intervals, such as apple, papaya, and banana, to stay energized.
5. Don’t eat starchy foods
During Navratri fasts, we sometimes eat more sugar. Navratri meals almost always include potatoes, which are starchy foods. Stay away from starchy foods to stay healthy. You can prepare dishes with other vegetables instead of potatoes, such as pumpkin or bottle guard.
6. Eat fiber-rich foods
The Navratri menu should include lots of fiber-rich foods such as raw banana, pumpkin, and bottle gourd to help you stay full throughout the day. They keep blood sugar stable as well.
Read more: NAVRATRI 2021: Durga’s nine forms and the Prasad for offering her
7. Get enough rest
It is very important to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night during a fast in order to keep your body healthy and active. It is very important to take complete rest while fasting since your body starts detoxifying itself. You may experience a lack of energy, headaches, or dizziness otherwise.
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