Skandamata, the 5th form of Durga, is worshipped on Navratri’s 5th Day. Kartikeya is the eldest son of Lord Shiva, who is known for his wisdom and strength. She got known as Skandamata when she became the mother of Lord Kartikeya (Lord Skanda). She is also known as Padmasana or Skanda Devi. Shardiya Navratri Day 5 is observed on Sunday, 11 October, 2021.
- Date: Sunday, 11 October
- Tithi: Ashwin Sukla Paksha Panchami
- Goddess: Goddess Skandamata
- Puja: Skandamata Puja
- Mantra:’Om Devi Skandamatayai Namah’
- Flower: Yellow Rose
- Navratri Color: Yellow
Skandamata rides a ferocious lion while holding her many-headed child Kartikeya. With her right hand in the Abhaya Mudra, the goddess has four hands. On her forehead is the crescent moon of Lord Shiva. Due to the fact that she sits on the lotus flower, Skandamata is also known as Goddess Padmasana. She loves red flowers.
Puja Vidhi
On Navratri day 5, Kundalini Jagaran worshipers that worship Nava Durga do sadhana of the pure chakra to worship NavaDurga. Skanda Mata requires proper Vidhi-Vidhan for the seeker to penetrate this cycle. On the sacred seat of Kush or blanket for worship, you should start the puja process the same as you did in Kekar days, praying to the Goddess with this mantra: ‘Sinhasanganata Nitya Padma Ashtakarwar Shubhadastu Sada Devi Scandamata Yashaswini’. Worship Skandmata with Panchapur vidhi. It is considered prosperous to fast on this day.
Devotees receive blessings from the goddess of devotion and affection for the mother. With the grace of Goddess Skandamata, the devotee’s wishes are granted and the devotee’s house remains prosperous, peaceful and harmonious.
Shri Skandamata Mantra
Om Hreem Shri Skanda Mata Durgaaye Namaha
Om Devi Skandmatayayi Namah
Sinhaasangataam Nityam Padmaanchit Kardwayaa |
Shubhdaastu Sadaa Devi Skandmata Yashaswini ||
Navratri 2021 Day 5 Bhog:
Offer a banana and/or any other fruit as a bhog to Maa Skanda Mata.
Banana Halwa Recipe
- 6 ripe bananas
- 1 cup ghee
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 tsp cardamoms (chhoti elaichi), powdered
Read more: Navratri 2021 Day 4 – Puja Vidhi, Mantra, Color & Prasad
How to Make Banana Halwa
- Slice the bananas into 1-inch rounds after peeling.
- Cook the bananas in the ghee.
- Cook until bananas are soft (some pieces may get mashed).
- Add enough sugar and water to cover the banana mixture.
- Cook the liquid over low heat until it becomes thick when dropped; it should come out in drops rather than a stream.
- Add the cardamom powder, cool, chill and serve.
- This will thicken as it cools.
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