Punjab Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu on Sunday said that the state should prepare for and prevent an impending power crisis owing to a coal scarcity in power plants. He also asked the private thermal plants who break the rules by not retaining coal stock for the required amount of time to be fined.
‘Punjab must prevent and prepare, rather than repent and repair. Private thermal plants flouting guidelines, punishing domestic consumers by not keeping coal stock for 30 days should be penalised,’ Sidhu tweeted.
He also stated that it is time to actively concentrate on solar electricity models as an alternative to coal for power generation.
Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Saturday requested the central government to increase the state’s coal supply as per quota to help the state cope with the impending shutdown of its thermal plants due to rapidly depleting coal reserves, which are expected to run out in the next few days.
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In the recent few days, other states such as Chhattisgarh and Delhi have also highlighted the problem of coal scarcity.
In Delhi, officials from the Delhi Power Ministry, BSES, and Tata Power arrived at the house of Union Power Minister RK Singh on Sunday for a discussion about coal shortages at power plants, amid the potential of a power blackout in the national capital.
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