Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor expressed her concerns over the diving forces in the European Union. Merkel spoke after accepting the Carlos V award at an award ceremony in Spain on Thursday.
She issued a plea for more unity across Europe, saying that the centrifugal forces had been working in the Europen Union for the last several years. She added that those dividing powers were the result of the failure of European Union.
European Union failed to fulfil its promises and also let the social and economic disparities to widen too much. Merkel also reminded that Europe was only strong when remained united.
She is set to give up her role of German Chancellor after 16 years, when the new government of Germany will be formed. Without mentioning names, the 67-year-old German Chancellor said that the European Union would be in crisis if the interests of individual nations were prioritised over the mutual success of the union.
Merkel emphasised the importance of unity in dealing with powers outside the European Union.
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