Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray finally spoke out about the Aryan Khan drug case issue. In his Dusshera address this year, Thackeray chastised the Narcotic Control Bureau (NCB) without using the organization’s name. The CM said that the agency is only interested in apprehending celebrities and photographing them, while Maharashtra Police is doing genuine work by recovering drugs worth Rs 150 crore.
‘They have painted a picture that Maharashtra has become a drug capital. That is not the case. In Mundra, there was a drug haul of crores. While your agencies are recovering pinch of ganja, the Maharashtra cops have recovered drugs worth Rs 150 crores,’ Thackeray said.
Thackeray further said that national investigative agencies such as the NCB and CBI have been defaming Maharashtra since it is led by him rather than the BJP. Earlier, the CBI took over the FIR from Mumbai Police during the inquiry into Sushant Singh Rajput’s death when numerous individuals throughout the country, including the late actor’s family, protested the investigation conducted by the Mumbai Police. Several Bollywood celebrities, including Deepika Padukone, Shraddha Kapoor, and Sara Ali Khan, have been questioned by the NCB and several have been detained as part of the continuing narcotics investigation.
Also Read: Aryan Khan receives a money order of Rs 4500 from his family, speaks to them via video call
Meanwhile, Aryan Khan remains in detention after a special NDPS court postponed a decision on his bail plea until October 20. The 23-year-old is being held in Mumbai’s Arthur Road jail even after no drugs were found on him at an alleged rave party on Saturday, October 2.
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