JAISALMER: A drunken youth hanged himself from an electricity tower after an altercation with his in – laws at their house in the Barmer rural police station region, a drunken youth hanged himself from an electricity tower.
After the post-mortem, police handed the body over to the family members. Paburam, a resident of Hapon Ki Dhani, married Dhudi Devi, a resident of Daruda village, six years ago, and the couple had three children, according to police.
According to police, he went to his in-laws’ house on Saturday to fetch his wife, who had been living with her parents for the past two to three months. Paburam began drinking alcohol following a fight with his wife, according to authorities, and then hanged himself.
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Only his wife and mother-in-law were there at the time of the altercation, according to authorities. When the neighbours discovered the body, they alerted the rest of the family. According to rural SHO Parbat Singh, a case has been filed based on the family members’ reports, and an investigation has begun.
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