Every day, hundreds of thousands of people travel by train in India. The Indian Railways is one of the largest rail networks in the world and is also known as the country’s nervous system. Have you noticed that some stations are called junction, central or terminus? Wondered why?
You must have noticed that the railway track does not extend beyond Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal or Howrah Terminal When you board or deboard a train there. It symbolizes the fact that this is the last station on that route. A terminus or terminal is the last station of a train route in India. Apart from the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal, the Lokmanya Tilak Terminal and Victoria Terminal are other major terminals of Indian Railways.
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Several railway stations in India are called junctions. Junctions are railway stations where at least three rail lines come together. A junction is an intersection. There are at least two train lines that run from the junction railway station to the stations. Seven different train routes converge at Mathura Junction, the only one in the country. Besides the Mathura junction, the Salem junction, Vijayawada junction, and Bareilly junction are also large junctions. There are several railway stations in some cities, and the largest and most visited is called a central station by the Indian Railways. Mumbai central, Kanpur central, and Chennai central are the most important central railway stations in India.
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