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Taliban orders to stop airing TV shows with women actors in Afghanistan

Taliban authorities in Afghanistan issued a ‘religious guideline’ on Sunday, calling on television channels to stop showing dramas and soap operas that feature women actors.

The Taliban also called on women television journalists to wear Islamic hijabs while delivering their stories in the first such edict issued to Afghan media by the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

In addition, the ministry requested that no films or programmes depicting Prophet Mohammed or other venerated figures be aired.

It advocated for the prohibition of films or television programmes that were antithetical to Islamic and Afghan principles.

The new directive was rapidly disseminated on social media networks late Sunday.

Despite their assurances that they will rule more moderately this time, the Taliban have already instituted restrictions on what women can wear to university and beaten and harassed some Afghan journalists, despite promising to protect press freedoms.

Over the last two decades, Afghan television channels have broadcasted a diverse range of programmes, including an ‘American Idol’-style singing competition, music videos, and various Turkish and Indian soap operas.

There was no Afghan media during the Islamists’ prior administration from 1996 to 2001; they prohibited television, movies and most other forms of entertainment, believing that they were sinful.


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