The famous television reality show ‘Bigg Boss Tamil’ will be hosted by veteran actress Ramya Krishnan till the show’s original host Kamal Haasan recovers from the Covid-19 and returns to take over. Kamal Haasan is being treated at a private hospital in Chennai after testing positive for the coronavirus. The makers of the show released a trailer on Saturday that featured Kamal Haasan speaking from the hospital. The actor presented Ramya Krishnan as a friend who had promised to assist him in running the event without a commercial break.
There was much discussion on social media about who would host the show in Kamal Haasan’s absence after he had tested positive for Covid. According to reports, the makers invited actress Shruthi Haasan to host the weekend episodes. Ramya Krishnan and Vijay Sethupathi were also rumoured to have been contacted for the same purpose. The mystery came to an end on Saturday when the teaser revealed that it will be hosted by Ramya Krishnan.
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Meanwhile, according to a medical report issued on Friday, Kamal Haasan is doing well. The South Indian hero is recovering in a secluded ward of Chennai’s Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, where he was hospitalised on November 22.
Kamal Haasan tested positive for coronavirus after his journey to US for the launch of his Khadi brand ‘House of Khadder’. He also warned people to be cautious in a tweet he shared on November 22.
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