Abu Dhabi: UAE government has issued new cybercrime law. The Federal Decree Law No. 34 of 2021 will come into force from January 2, 2022. As per the new law, publishing and sharing fake news online, posting misleading advertisements and creating fake accounts are punishable crimes.
People who publish and share fake news, rumours and misleading or inaccurate information will be subjected to one year in prison and a minimum Dh 100,000 fine and the penalty increases to two years in prison and a minimum Dh200,000 fine if the crime was committed during pandemics, emergencies and crises. People who publish information that does not meet media content criteria will get one year prison sentence or a fine starting from Dh 30,000 to Dh 300,000 or both.
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A fine of Dh 20,000 will be imposed on people who post misleading ads or engage in unlicensed trading of cryptocurrencies. People creating fake email account or website in impersonation of another person are subject to a fine ranging from Dh50,000 to Dh200,000 or a jail term or both.
As per the new law, conducting online surveys and polls without a permit is crime and violators will get a jail term or a fine starting from Dh1 00,000 to Dh 500,000 or both.
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