Bumble has overhauled the platform’s matchmaking algorithm and launched a new profile look. Users on the dating app may now read a person’s bio, which includes pronouns and interests, beneath their first photo to get a sense of the prospective match right away. Users will be able to link their Instagram and Spotify accounts to their Bumble accounts through the app. With the most recent update, the app’s new technology will also make photo suggestions. Bumble was been chosen by Apple as one of the best apps and games for 2021.
Bumble’s new dating experience attempts to place a greater emphasis on interesting profiles. As previously stated, a person’s bio will now be presented beneath their initial photo, allowing the user to determine whether or not they are a suitable match sooner. Bumble also allows users to socialise by linking their accounts to other social media sites such as Instagram and Spotify.
Bumble’s matchmaking algorithm is believed to leverage machine learning technology to give better matches to consumers. The platform’s new technology will also suggest a photo to users that will attract more matches to their accounts.
Bumble has stated that it is implementing additional safeguards to assure the app’s safety. It will now use automated and AI-based technology to detect content and behaviour that violates its Community Guidelines. These include harassment, hate speech, and other improper content in over 100 languages, according to Bumble. In 2021, Bumble claimed to have blocked more than 2.5 million accounts, with the majority of them being blocked automatically.
In addition, starting December 3 at 12:00 p.m., the app will provide its travel mode free to all users worldwide for 24 hours (IST).
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