Lucknow: Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav slammed Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday, calling him ‘useless’ or ‘unupyogi’. The party chief was citing the incidents of crimes against Dalits and women under the BJP Government. He made the remark in a tweet, punning on the Hindi word Up-Yogi (useful) as Prime Minister Narendra Modi called him earlier in the day.
‘The daughter of Hathras, the farmers of Lakhimpur, the trader of Gorakhpur, women who are feeling insecure, unemployed youths, the Dalits, and the backward class (people) are saying for UP, the current government is not ‘upyogi’ (useful), it is ‘un-upyogi’ (useless)’, Akhilesh said in his tweet. ‘UP is today saying that it does not want the BJP’, he added.
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???? ????? ?????— Akhilesh Yadav (@yadavakhilesh) December 18, 2021
Earlier today, during a public address in Shahjahanpur, Modi coined a new slogan ‘UP plus Yogi bahut hai upyogi’ to praise Adityanath for eliminating mafias” and undertaking developmental work in the state. Modi was addressing a rally after laying the foundation stone of 594-km-long Ganga Expressway in UP’s Shahjahanpur district.
Read more: PM Modi praises Adityanath in poll-bound state
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