The full moon, also known as the December cold moon or Winter moon, which is the longest full moon in the entire year, will shine brightly in the sky on December 19. It’s also the last full moon we’ll view before the Northern Hemisphere’s winter solstice.
You can actually see the Moon today if you aren’t terrified of the things that go bump in the night. Those who want to see the longest full moon at its fullest should go outside at 11:36 p.m. EST. On December 19, that’s 0432 UTC or 8:36 p.m.
Because of all the names it has acquired throughout the years, the longest full moon of the year is particularly intriguing. It’s also known as the Cold Moon, Frost Moon or Winter Moon. Others still refer to it as the Oak Moon or the Moon before Yule. It’s sometimes referred to as the Child Moon or the Long Night Moon.
Our lunar body will put up a display for the entire weekend, but it will officially be called ‘full’ on Saturday. Despite this, NASA predicts a ‘full moon weekend’ this weekend.
On Tuesday, December 21, the winter solstice will begin a few days later. The North Pole will be at its furthest tilt from the Sun, approximately 23.5 degrees, at that time. That also means the official start of winter is approaching, so make sure you’re prepared with a warm coat.
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