Union Minister Smriti Irani on Saturday revealed that her daughter Shanelle got engaged to Arjun Bhalla. The minister took to her social media handle to disclose the happy news to her followers.
Taking to instagram, Smriti Irani shared stunning pictures of the pair and added a heartfelt message which read: ‘To the man who now has our heart @arjun_bhalla welcome to our madcap family .. bless you for you have to deal with a crazy man for a father in law and worse .. me for a Saas (you have been officially warned) God bless’.
Click here to view the instagram post
As soon as the post was shared, several celebs, including Ekta Kapoor and Mouni Roy, have sent happy remarks in the comments section.
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Smriti Irani, the Union Cabinet Minister for Women and Child Development, has three children named Zohr, Zoish, and Shanelle.
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