Quebec, the second most populous province in Canada, has ‘no choice’ but to allow some essential workers to continue working even after testing positive for Covid-19 in order to avoid staff shortages hindering healthcare services, according to Health Minister Christian Dube. On Monday, Quebec, which has been setting daily records since the Omicron strain initiated a fresh wave of rapidly rising infections, registered 12,833 new cases, the largest one-day figure of any Canadian region during the pandemic.
‘Omicron’s contagion is so rapid, that a high number of personnel have to be withdrawn – and that poses a risk to the network capacity to treat Quebecers. We made the decision that under a certain condition positive staff will be able to continue working according to a list of priority and risk management’, Dube told media.
Quebec will also offer a third dose of a Covid vaccine to everyone above the age of 18 from January.4.
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