Afghan media reported that Taliban leaders have decided to behead mannequins working in clothing stores in war-torn Afghanistan citing a breach of Islam’s Sharia law. Despite the fact that the country has already been plagued by many problems, the Taliban has been cracking down on its opponents. In a recent move, the Taliban claim that using ‘mannequins’ is a breach of Islamic law.
In the beginning, the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice ordered that all shops in Herat get rid of their mannequins. The government altered its order after shopkeepers complained of heavy losses due to the ruling in already troubled times for business. It told shopkeepers to behead them instead. Officials from the Islamist government considered these statues to be idols.
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The announcement had been made by the head of the ministry, Sheikh Aziz-u-Rahman. Afghanistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs ensures that the Taliban’s strict interpretation of Islam is enforced. The owners of the business feel that hacking the heads of the mannequins represents a significant loss. Abdul Wadood Faiz Zada told the Italian newspaper Repubblica that the heads of the mannequins should be covered, not removed. Each mannequin costs $100, $80, or $70, so hacking the mannequins‘ heads would result in significant losses .
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