The multilingual action thriller ‘Mahaan,’ starring Vikram, will be launched on Amazon Prime Video on February 10, the streaming service said on Monday. Karthik Subbaraj, who helmed ‘Jigarthanda,’ ‘Petta,’ and ‘Jagame Thandhiram,’ is the director of ‘Mahaan.’
The film’s release date was announced via Prime Video’s official Twitter account, along with a poster. It will be available to watch in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam. In Kannada, the film will be titled ‘Maha Purusha’ and will be available on Netflix. Lalit Kumar’s production company, Seven Screen Studio, is behind ‘Mahaan.’ Dhruv Vikram, Vani Bhojan, Bobby Simha, Simran, Sananth, and Deepak Paramesh also star in the film. Vikram’s most recent appearance was in Kamal Haasan’s 2019 thriller ‘Kadaram Kondan.’
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