Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said on Monday that she has blocked Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Twitter, claiming that she was ‘disturbed’ by his regular posts against her government on the microblogging platform. Banerjee also said that Dhankhar has threatened the chief secretary and the director general of police on several occasions.
Addressing a press meet at Kolkata, the Chief Minister said that she has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi several times, seeking the removal of Dhankhar. ‘However, no action has been taken so far’, Banerjee, who shares an acrimonious relationship with the governor, said.
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Mamata and her ministers have had frequent run-ins with governor Dhankar on various issues. The governor has been openly critical of the Trinamool government and has often used Twitter to convey his displeasure.
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