Nicola Bruno might be just another photographer, but his photographs are like horror movies, and can be unnerving. However, they represent something even more frightening. Nicholas suffers from sleep paralysis, which means that his nightmares are more vivid than those of other people.
Sleep paralysis occurs when you lose muscle function while you sleep. According to Healthline, it occurs when a person moves between stages of wakefulness and sleep. Bruno’s condition paralyzes the body in order to prevent him from acting out the dreams, but his mind is still awake and experiencing horrific nightmares.
While our bodies paralyze themselves in order to prevent us from acting out our dreams, Bruno’s mind is awake and experiencing horrific hallucinations. Since he was six years old, Nicholas Bruno has suffered from sleep paralysis. Aiming to escape his fear and anxiety, he is now using his skills with the lens to recreate his dreams. Drawings have been a therapeutic channel for him to express his experiences. ‘If you feed into the fear of a dream it lasts a lot longer, but if you make sense of the dream you can escape it,’ Bruno told Nikonusa.com.
Bruno said he had no control over his dreams. His sketches and photos are his way of regaining control or communicating what he sees to others. ‘I have absolutely no control in these dreams, but once I wake up and go out and photograph, I finally have that control. I can show what’s it like. I have the ability to reenact what I’ve experienced’.
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