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DDMA sets up 12 cells to engage NGOs in disaster management

The DDMA?has established 12 cells to engage NGOs into the govt’s disaster management efforts, sub divisional magistrates were appointed as nodal officers to recruit NGOs more effectively in disaster management efforts.

SDM (DDMA) at the revenue department headquarters has been designated as the nodal officer for the NGO cell at the DDMA headquarters, according to the order. ‘The nodal officer for the NGO cell in each district has been designated as the SDM headquarters in each district,’ the order further said.

The DDMA wants to create teams of NGOs in each district through these cells, officials said, so that they can be mobilised during times of need even in a post-Covid world.

According to them, during the Covid-19 pandemic, several NGOs helped the government in its efforts by supporting health centres, providing basic necessities to the underprivileged, and spreading awareness, among other activities.


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