A man who was suffering from breathing problems was stunned to discover the cause – a tooth growing inside his nose. The 38-year-old man went to a clinic at Mount Sinai, New York, complaining of difficulties breathing via his right nostril, according to a report published in the New England Journal Of Medicine. He explained that he had been having respiratory issues for a long time.
The initial inspection revealed that the man had a deviated septum, which means the bone and cartilage that divides the nasal cavity of the nose were displaced. A calcified blockage towards the rear of the septum was also discovered.
A rhinoscope (a tool for inspecting the interior of the nose) examination further discovered that the individual had a hard object lodged in his nostril. A CT scan ultimately showed the startling diagnosis: a tooth developing within the nasal cavity. According to medical terminology, the man had an inverted ectopic tooth developing within his nose.
Physicians Sagar Khanna and Michael Turner wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine, ‘On rhinoscopy, a hard, non-tender, white mass was observed in the floor of the right nostril. Computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses showed a well-defined, radiodense mass consistent with an inverted ectopic tooth in the nasal cavity.’
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Through oral and otolaryngologic surgery, doctors were able to extract the tooth. ‘At follow-up three months after surgery, the patient’s symptoms of nasal obstruction had resolved’, the study revealed. There were no post-operative difficulties and the patient can now breathe without difficulty.
Teeth that grow in the incorrect place are known as ectopic teeth. Ectopic teeth are exceedingly rare, according to Medical Xpress, occurring in only approximately 0.1 percent of the population.
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