Vasalatippa fisherman in Uppalaguptham Mandal, East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh caught something unexpected on their fishing net. They went to the sea as usual but were taken aback when they discovered a strange-looking balloon fish. It had a human-like appearance and fought the fisherman when they attempted to catch it. Fishermen are afraid of it and people in the Godavari regions and elsewhere dare not eat it.
The Godavari fishermen were ecstatic with their recent capture since the fish was large enough. The fish, which was caught off the coast of Vasalatippa, is hazardous and harmful to consume if its toxic components are not removed. Such fish are claimed to be found up to 80 nautical miles from the coast. Fishermen in Godavari areas and elsewhere were afraid to step into the water after seeing this strange-looking fish. However, they could not refuse to go because fishing is their main source of income.
Balloon Fish, Power Fish, and Globe Fish are all names for the fugu or tetraodon fish. The fish, according to officials and specialists from the fish department, is rare and hazardous, capable of killing a man. It is a member of the Tetrantidi family, with the scientific name Tetraodon.
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In Japan, fugu, or blowfish, is prepared by specially trained chefs who remove its dangerous components to avoid poisoning. Due to its toxicity, the Japanese government prohibited Fugu fish in the 16th century, but the habit of eating it was maintained in secret.
Ito Hirobumi, Japan’s first Prime Minister, ate a meal of blowfish at Shimonoseki’s Shunpanro Restaurant in 1888. The PM was so taken with its flavour that he decided to lift the prohibition and declare Shimonoseki the ‘home of fugu’. Shunpanro Restaurant in Shimonoseki may be the first to get a special licence to produce and serve Fugu fish dishes with all necessary safeguards.
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