Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth has changed her Instagram name two months after she and Dhanush announced their split. The filmmaker went by the name ‘Aishwaryaa R Dhanush’ when she first appeared on the photo-sharing app. Now, she has removed her estranged husband’s name from her Instagram bio and added her father’s name Rajinikanth. While Aishwaryaa R Dhanush (@aishwaryaa_r_dhanush) is still the username. The alteration in Aishwaryaa’s Instagram bio was noticed just hours after Dhanush referred to her as his ‘friend’ in a tweet.
Dhanush praised Aishwaryaa for her new music video ‘Payani’ on Twitter on Thursday. This was the duo’s first interaction on social media after their breakup.
Congrats my friend @ash_r_dhanush on your music video #payani God bless
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) March 17, 2022
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Dhanush and Aishwaryaa announced their split on January 17, ending their 18 years of marriage. While Rajinikanth is yet to comment publicly about the split, a report said that the actor was badly upset by the couple’s choice.
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