On Saturday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath instructed officials to interact with the public and public representatives in a friendly manner. The chief minister was assessing development projects and law and order in Kashi at a meeting with officials here.
He claimed Varanasi was Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s parliamentary constituency, and that all development work should be completed on time, according to his vision. Yogi said that, dalals (touts) have no place at police stations. ‘Police should also behave nicely with the public,’ he said, adding that foot patrols should be increased in the evenings and in crowded places.
‘Do not limit ‘Mission Shakti’ to only anti-Romeo operations but broaden its area of action and ensure comprehensive action,’ the CM said. Yogi offered prayers to Baba Kaal Bhairav and Baba Kashi Vishwanath here after the meeting.
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