Dubai: The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai has announced fines for haphazard parking of electric scooters. RTA announced that E-scooters must be parked in designated areas only. Violators will get a fine of of Dh200.
RTA urged all e-scooters users to park their vehicles scooters in the designated parking spaces only. Parked scooters should not block the movement of traffic and pedestrians or the use of public parking.
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RTA also announced that it will it will launch e-scooter licence permits by the end of this month. Users will be able to apply for the free permit on the website of RTA.
To get the licence all users must attend training courses and pass an online test. ‘Obtaining this permit shall be a prerequisite for permitting the riding of scooters on safe roads in the announced areas. However, holders of vehicle driving licences, international driving licences or motorcycle driving licences are excluded from obtaining such a permit’, said RTA.
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