Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt tie the knot in a small wedding ceremony in Mumbai, today. The first glimpse of the song ‘Kesariya’ from the couple’s forthcoming film ‘Brahmastra’ was released on Wednesday. Amitabh Bachchan, who also starred in the film, shared the video along with a heartfelt message for Ranbir and Alia.
Sharing the video, Big B wrote, ‘Wishing our Isha and Shiva all the Love, Luck and Light as they gear up to embark on a very special journey in the coming days. Let’s kickstart the celebration with something special from Team Brahmstra. #Brahmastra’.
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Filmmaker Karan Johar also shared the first look of Kesariya and added, ‘Love is light and I know the amount of light you have brought into each other’s and our lives with your love. To new beginnings and more #RanbirKapoor @aliaabhatt #brahmastra’.
Meanwhile, the Mehendi ceremony of Alia and Ranbir was held in the actor’s Bandra house, Vastu, which was attended by their family and close friends including celebrities such as Karan Johar, Ayan Mukerji, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Aadar Jain, Armaan Jain, Pooja Bhatt among others.
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