We sometimes have to travel for urgent work. In such a circumstance, we are unlikely to find a reservation on a train because it is rarely accessible at the eleventh hour. Tatkal ticket purchase is an alternative to such dire circumstances, but it is not simple to get. But don’t be alarmed. Today, we’ll tell you about the specific laws of trains that allow you to travel without making a reservation. Let us go through the rules. Many people are unaware that they may travel by train after acquiring a platform ticket.
Travel on platform ticket
According to Zee News Hindi and ABP, if you do not have a train reservation and wish to go, you can do so by purchasing a platform ticket alone. After that, you can go to the ticket checker (TC) and request a ticket. When a passenger is unable to purchase a ticket due to a lack of time, Guard’s Certificates will be granted at stations where platform tickets are issued, but only upon display of genuine platform tickets. Guards/Conductors and other kinds of duty personnel issue the ‘Certificate of authorization to travel.’
The Indian Railways enacted this rule. However, in order to do so, you must contact TTE immediately by purchasing a platform ticket. TTE will then generate a ticket to your destination location. The platform ticket grants the passenger the right to board the train. The benefit of platform tickets is that the passenger’s fee is computed by ascertaining the station from where he or she purchased the platform ticket.
What if no seats are available?
There are instances when no seats are available on the train. In such a case, TTE may refuse to grant you a reserved seat but cannot prevent you from travelling. However, if you do not have a reservation for the train, you must purchase a ticket by paying the complete fee of the voyage, plus a penalty charge of Rs 250.
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