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‘British update’; Russia forced to reorganize troop deployment in Ukraine

According to a British military report released on Saturday, Russia has been compelled to integrate and redeploy weakened troops after unsuccessful operations in northeast Ukraine. ‘Russian tactical coordination still has flaws. Despite localized gains, Russia has been unable to fully use its combat mass due to a lack of unit-level abilities and inconsistent air support’, the military sent a tweet.

‘Russia intends to address obstacles that have historically hampered its invasion by geographically concentrating combat force, cutting supply lines, and streamlining command and control,’ the statement stated. On February 24, Russia started an invasion of Ukraine. The soldiers moved quickly, but the initial impetus did not last, and Russia was unable to conquer a single significant Ukrainian city for an extended period of time. Russian soldiers advanced toward Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, but were unable to take it. Russia currently controls only Mariupol in the south, but even that city has a pocket of Ukrainian forces defending it.

Western support, including arms, delivered!
Russia announced on Saturday (April 30) that its artillery had hit 389 Ukrainian targets overnight. These comprised 35 control points, 15 arms and ammunition depots, and other places where Ukrainian soldiers and equipment were deployed, according to Russia. According to Russia’s defense ministry, four munitions and fuel facilities were targeted by its missiles.


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