Lucknow: A lookalike of actor Salman Khan was arrested in Lucknow for disturbing the peace while making a reel (short video) for social media. Azam Ansari was making the reel at the Clock Tower on Sunday night. It led to a massive traffic jam as a huge crowd gathered to see the duplicate of the Bollywood actor.
Videos of the incident emerged online, where Ansari was seen walking in the middle of the road, wearing a black dhoti and a scarf, while performing a popular Bollywood song of the Dabangg star. He was seen performing the trademark gestures and acts synonymous with the actor. Traffic was seen entirely disrupted at the Clock Tower as he performed the song because people stopped by and started staring at him. People complained to the police following the incident.
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After a complaint by some commuters, the Thakurganj police booked Ansari, under Sector 151 for breaching the peace. This Salman Khan’s duplicate has over 77,000 followers on Instagram and has been spotted around the city making videos at railway stations and other public places. This was not the first time Azam Ansari has made such videos. It is evident through his social media handle how he has been creating similar content on Salman Khan’s songs.
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