Future predictions have always been made for wonderful online material. Served by many in the past on various plates, these forecasts occasionally succeeded to stir some frenzy among people. So, if you missed how it felt to view these forecasts, we have a fresh unique collection of prophecies for you. We say ‘special’ because these are forecasts from a time traveller. We cannot evaluate how much salt you should take with these predictions, but we do urge that you do.
A self-proclaimed time traveller, a TikToker named Kawhi Leonard, has forecasted a weird future in which 2 million people would abruptly vanish on August 9, this year. Leonard predicted America’s largest earthquake, nicknamed ‘The Great Split,’ on July 14, 2022, in his first forecast. The time traveller then indicated the same year as the development of a new species of animals known as Stalkers.
We are not claiming that these forecasts are credible, but 2 million people disappearing may be the result of both other projections. The footage has received over 67 lakh views on TikTok since it was shared. Netizens were quick to reply to the footage, stating that they were having difficulty trusting the forecasts.
According to the Daily Star, one commenter added, ‘Bro after seeing Infinity War,’ connecting one of the predictions to Thanos’ snap. Another person stated that they like to refer to The Simpsons. Many people alluded to past instances of similar forecasts, some of which were less strange than these.
Users on the internet have walked these paths several times, in some cases two at a time. Another time traveller, claiming to be from the year 2236, has foretold the reappearance of a deceased celebrity who faked his death in September 2022. However, in a few instances, these forecasts came true. Such is the time traveller who correctly predicted Italy’s victory in the UEFA Euro 2020.
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