The nations and their leaders have been in the headlines since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began in February of this year. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, in particular, has received a lot of attention for his excellent leadership during this difficult period. He is being hailed as a hero, and now the comedian turned wartime leader has been transformed into a comic book hero.
According to Reuters, TidalWave Comics’ latest graphic novel biography is named ‘Political Power: Volodymyr Zelensky’ and covers the life narrative of Ukraine’s President. Because of his Ukrainian roots, Darren G. Davis, the publisher of this graphic novel headquartered in the United States, remarked that this comic meant a lot to him. ‘My grandparents both came from Ukraine. I wanted to use this medium not just to convey a tale but also to contribute to a good cause’.
The revenues from the sale of these comics will be donated to the International Red Cross. The 22-page comic book, released on Wednesday, tells the story of how the actor who previously played a fictional President transformed fiction into reality. In 2019, the fictional president with no political experience was elected as Ukraine’s real-life president, pledging an end to the conflict with Moscow-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine.
‘What is his name? What motivates him? Why is he the best leader for Ukraine right now? Those are the questions I had when I began my investigation,’ stated ‘Political Power: Volodymyr Zelenskyy’.Michael Frizell is a writer. The artist behind the graphic novel is Pablo Martinena, who has also created biographies of David Beckham, Nelson Mandela, and Donald Trump.
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