Boris Bondarev, a Russian ambassador, resigned from his job at the Geneva office, claiming that the Ukraine conflict was not only ‘a crime against the Ukrainian people, but also, maybe, the most significant criminal against the people of Russia’. On February 24, President Putin launched his ‘special military operation’ against Ukraine, as Russian soldiers began their four-month onslaught.
Bondarev, 41, resigned the diplomatic service after 20 years, criticizing President Putin’s ‘aggressive war’ and mocking the letter ‘Z’ that has been slapped on Russian military equipment, stating that it is ‘crossing out all dreams and chances for a successful free society in our nation’. According to reports, the Russian ambassador handed in his resignation letter to the Russian diplomatic post in Switzerland.
Bondarev stated that those who launched war desired ‘power forever, to live in pompous tasteless palaces, to sail on boats similar in tonnage and cost to the whole Russian fleet, enjoying limitless power and full impunity,’ referring to Russian oligarchs connected to President Putin’s administration. Bondarev is expected to remain in Switzerland. Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, praised the action and asked all other Russian ambassadors at the UN and across the globe to follow Bondarev’s ‘moral example and leave’.
Bondarev accused the Russian Foreign Ministry of ‘lies’ and ‘unprofessionalism,’ while criticizing Foreign Minister Lavrov. ‘ Today, the ministry of foreign affairs is not about diplomacy; it is about warmongering, lying, and hatred,’ he said in his letter. ‘ Russia no longer has allies, and there is no one to blame but its irresponsible and ill-conceived strategy,’ he added.
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