The function of the media in human existence has always been critical. There are several channels via which the general public can obtain information. Print media, on the other hand, is the oldest medium. Everyone reads a newspaper every morning, but have you ever noticed the lower half of the newspaper? At the bottom of each page of the newspaper, four distinct coloured dots are printed. These dots are there for a reason.
We see them on a daily basis but never inquire as to why. The four dots at the bottom of each page have a unique meaning. All of these dots were created for various reasons. They are known as CMYK, which stands for Cyan (Light Sky), Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black). Let us now discuss the significance of these four colours written in the newspaper.
By combining the exact proportions of these four colours, any colour may be created. To print a picture, the plates for each colour are set out individually on a page and aligned up in the same position when printing. This is required in order to print a full-colour image. If the photographs in the newspapers are hazy, it is because the four colour plates are overlapping or not on the same line. This is why CMYK is also known as a registration mark. It’s impossible to determine how many newspapers are printed each day.
When a newspaper page is printed, a plate of these four colours is included. If the print is hazy, it is possible that these plates were not correctly set. Only after the plates are properly positioned can the printer create them. These four dots are printed below to provide information about these colours. CMYK printing is unique in that the four colours utilised in this process are the cheapest and most effective of any printing method. It is less expensive than toner-based or digital printing. The printers that use this technique learn how many newspapers are printed each day.
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