Mumbai: Chinese brand of smartwatches and Fitness trackers, Amazfit launched its new smartwatch named Amazfit T-Rex 2. The smartwatch is available on the Amazfit US site and is priced at $ 229.99 (roughly Rs. 18,000). It is available in Astro Black & Gold, Desert Khaki, Ember Black, and Wild Green colours. It will be available in Italy, France, and Germany from June 1 for a price of EUR 229.9 (roughly Rs. 19,000).
The smartwatch features a 1.39-inch AMOLED touchscreen with a 454×454 pixels resolution. It packs a 500mAh rated battery that is claimed to take about 2 hours to reach full charge and will last up to 24 days of normal use. There is a Battery Saver Mode that is claimed to extend the battery backup to up to 45 days.
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It includes over 150 sports modes and features ExerSense technology that can automatically recognize eight types of sports movements.