Kochi: Kerala High Court extended the anticipatory bail of actor-producer Vijay Babu on Tuesday in the sexual assault case for three more days. The anticipatory bail plea will be considered on Friday. Additional director of prosecution, Gracious Kuriakose, is in quarantine. Hence the government sought more time to oppose the plea.
The court had earlier blocked the police from arresting Vijay Babu upon his arrival in Kerala. Babu was in Dubai for almost a month, refusing to return. The court had said that his return to the state is crucial. It later extended the ban for a couple of days more. Vijay Babu returned on June 1 after securing the pre-arrest bail. He appeared before the police for questioning. Vijay claimed that he had only a consensual physical relationship with the survivor and she complained when she was denied a job in his movie.
Meanwhile, police have also questioned four people, including an actor, for helping Vijay to stay abroad. As many as 30 witnesses were also quizzed by the police so far. He left for Dubai in April, almost the same time when the survivor approached the police. However, he pleaded in the court while seeking the anticipatory bail that he was not aware of the case while leaving the country.
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