Pravin Darekar, the leader of the opposition in the Maharashtra Legislative Council (MLC), has moved to the Bombay High Court against an order issued by a cooperative registrar in a fake document case on January 3. Darekar was declared ineligible to join the labourers’ co-operative society because he was not a worker.
Darekar claims that the impugned order was issued without providing him with a reasonable opportunity to be heard. As a result, it is bad in law and is likely to be quashed and set aside for a variety of reasons, including a violation of natural justice principles.
Darekar’s High Court claim was that he was admitted as a member of the Pratidnya Labour Co-Operative Society in 1997 and had received a show cause notice from the Jt Registrar Co-op Societies in 2021. He said that despite his lawyer’s request for a week’s notice on December 29, the divisional joint registrar issued an order against him on January 3, 2022.
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