Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) reported that the unemployment rate in urban areas drops to 8.2 percent in January–March 2022 compared to 8.7 percent in the previous quarter (October–December 2021) and 9.3 percent in the same quarter in 2021.
The National Statistics Organization (NSO) revealed the survey findings for 2020–21 on Tuesday. The results showed a 0.6 percentage point decline in the unemployment rate, which came in at 4.2 percent, down from 4.8 percent in 2019–20.
According to the quarterly survey findings for January to March this year, the jobless rate for urban-dwelling females aged 15 and over fell from 11.8 to 10.1 percent. In the preceding quarter, it was 10.5 percent. The unemployment rate appears to be impacted by the workplaces reopening following the lockdowns. Male unemployment dropped to 7.7 percent from 8.3 percent in the prior quarter and 8 percent in the same quarter of the previous year.
In urban areas, the Current Weekly Status (CWS) labour force participation rate dropped to 47.3% in the January–March 2022 quarter. It was 47.5% from January through March 2021 and 47.35% from October through December 2021.
The definition of the labour force, which includes both employed and unemployed people, is the portion of the population that provides or proposes to provide labour for pursuing economic activities for the creation of goods and services.
The worker population ratio in CWS in urban areas increased from 43.1 percent in January–March 2021 and 43.2 percent in October–December 2021 to 43.4 percent in January–March 2022.
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