Every year on July 1st, Maharashtra Krishi Din, or Agriculture Day, is observed in the state. To honour Vasantrao Phulsing Naik, the father of the Maharashtra green movement, Krishi Din is observed on his birthday. He was the former Chief Minister of the state, who helped the agriculture sector to grow. Additionally, the state observes Krishi Saptah from July 1 to July 7.
To honour the efforts of the late Vasantrao Naik, who also served as Maharashtra’s longest-serving chief minister, Krishi Din was first observed. Between 1963 through 1975, he served as the state’s CM.
Several agricultural universities and institutions were founded in the state while CM Naik was in power. When Maharashtra had a drought in 1972, Naik took a number of actions to aid the farmers. He increased water conservation efforts, made hybrid seeds available to farmers, and opened the way for the state’s agricultural industry to develop sustainably. Maharashtra became one of the leading states in agricultural economy as a result of these drastic changes.
Maharashtra Krishi Din seeks to increase public understanding of state agricultural policies and farmer-related issues. It motivates the state government to address the different issues that farmers face.
The celebration of Agriculture Day includes several events, workshops and lectures to raise awareness about the various issues plaguing the farmers. The day also prompts the government to take initiatives for the welfare of the farmers.
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