World UFO Day 2022: The mere mention of UFOs is enough to frighten a few, delight a few, excite a few, energize a few, and overall, get the attention of almost everyone on the planet who has even the slightest interest in the extra-terrestrial, given that numerous movies from around the world have toyed with the idea of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the existence of extraterrestrial (ET) beings, in The most well-known example is Steven Spielberg’s ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial’ (1982), which starred a five-year-old Drew Barrymore. At home, it was an exact replica of ‘Koi… Mil Gaya’ (2003).
What is World UFO Day?
World UFO Day is intended to raise awareness for people all over the world to congregate and scan the sky for strange flying objects (UFOs). Furthermore, the declared purpose of the July 2 event is to increase awareness of “the undeniable reality of UFOs” and to push governments to declassify their information on UFO encounters. That is, if there have been contacts with ETs, the relevant governments, wherever they occurred, are invited to share the knowledge with the rest of the planet.
Date discrepancy
Some people observe World UFO Day on June 24, while others observe it on July 2. The date that writer Kenneth Arnold wrote is commonly regarded as the first publicly reported UFO in the United States, whereas July 2 is associated with the 1947 UFO crash at Roswell. The Roswell event occurred on July 2, 1947, when United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) personnel from Roswell Army Air Field recovered balloon wreckage from a ranch near Corona, New Mexico. Roswell Army Air Field released a news statement on July 8, 1947, reporting that they had found a ‘flying disc’.
World UFO Day – July 2
World UFO Day is observed yearly on July 2 to raise awareness regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the existence of extraterrestrial (ET) beings. The World UFO Day Organization designated July 2 as the official World UFO Day (WUFODO). The goal of World UFO Day, according to the WUFODO, is to raise awareness regarding the existence of UFOs and intelligent entities from outer space.
When was the first World UFO Day observed?
According to the archives, UFO researcher Haktan Akdogan observed the inaugural World UFO Day in 2001. Observing this day also urges governments to make public their information of UFO encounters.
How will World UFO Day be observed?
World UFO Day is observed by engaging in extended debates and discussions on how and why humans are not the only entities in the Universe. There may be friendly or unfriendly neighbourhoods, even hostile ones. It makes no difference as long as we meet a few and experience their sentiments for us. Get your telescopes, transmitters, communicators, Citizens band radio (CB radio), binoculars, and even microscopes ready in case the aliens drop any germs or cells.
Enjoy it to the fullest!
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