Raj Babbar, a Bollywood actor and Congress leader, was given a two-year jail term in an assault on a polling official case by an MP/MLA court in Uttar Pradesh. The election official filed the FIR in Wazirganj police station on May 2, 1996.
Raj Babbar was also given a Rs. 8,500 fine by the court. The actor-turned-politician was found guilty of assault and interfering with official government work.
Raj Babbar, a member of the Samajwadi Party at the time, ran for office from Lucknow. A verbal altercation between the two during the election season started the assault.
Raj Babbar and Arvind Yadav were the subjects of a police report alleging violations of sections 143, 332, 353, 323, 504, and 188 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The charge sheet was submitted to the court under the Criminal Law Amendment Act in addition to the Representation of the People act.
When the verdict was announced in court, Raj Babbar was there. He was accused of attacking a government official in the course of the 1996 Lok Sabha elections, although he later received bail.
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