A 65-year-old man with heart illness in India’s western state of Gujarat was revealed to have the unusual blood type EMM negative, which cannot be categorised into the four other blood types (A, B, O, or AB). There are 42 different types of blood systems in the human body, including A, B, O, Rh, and Duffy. There are four main blood group kinds in general. EMM is also found in high concentrations in 375 distinct types of antigens.
Only ten of these individuals, who differ from normal humans because they lack the EMM high-frequency antigen in their blood, are known to exist. People with these exceedingly uncommon blood types are unable to both donate and receive blood from others. Only 9 people in the world have the rarest blood type as of today, but a 65-year-old man from Rajkot, Gujarat, has been discovered to have it.
According to Sanmukh Joshi, a physician at Samarpan Blood Donation Center in Surat, the patient, who was undergoing care in Ahmedabad following a heart attack, required blood for heart surgery. However, the samples were only brought to the Surat blood donation centre after his blood type could not be determined at the Prathama Laboratory in Ahmedabad.
The old man’s blood type was eventually revealed to be the first case of the rarest blood group in India and the tenth in the world. The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) has classified it as EMM negative since there is no EMM in the blood.
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