Previously, Pluto was our Solar System’s farthest-reaching planet. It no longer qualifies as a planet. Pluto, though, continues to astound us. In the recent past, the idea of the frozen landscape was barely there. However, as NASA’s New Horizons flew by Pluto in 2015, we gained additional knowledge of the frigid planet. All this time, NASA has been disseminating images of Pluto. Numerous people have liked these images, which has raised awareness of Pluto.
Another image from NASA has been released, and as usual, it has everyone speechless. In this image, Pluto is awash in vibrant colours, and for a space body, it does appear somewhat unusual.
NASA has shared the image on Instagram.
‘Where does the rainbow end? Pluto isn’t really a psychedelic riot of colors – this translated color image was created by New Horizons scientists to highlight the many subtle color differences between the planet’s distinct regions,’ NASA stated in the article.
It went on to say that Pluto’s surface is ‘Pluto has a complex, varied surface with jumbled mountains reminiscent of Europa, networks of carved-out valleys, old, heavily cratered terrain sitting right next to new, smooth icy plains, and even what might be wind-blown dunes,’
With almost a million likes, the post had gone viral like wildfire.
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