The magnificent rings that Saturn possesses sets it apart from the other planets in our Solar System. These rings are so distinct that amateur telescopes may also see them. It certainly gives the planet a majestic appearance. But what prevents all planets from having one of these rings? size? In our solar system, Saturn is a sizable planet. Jupiter is larger than Saturn, though, so why doesn’t it have rings similar to Saturn?
A current study from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) sheds light on why Jupiter lacks rings like to those of Saturn. This study’s findings were published in the journal Planetary Science.
Astrophysicist Stephen Kane of UCR and his students oversaw the investigation. They carried out a simulation together. They entered data regarding the orbits of Jupiter’s four moons as well as the planet’s own orbit into the simulation. They also provided data on the amount of time it takes for rings to form around the planet.
Kane found that the reason why Jupiter could not form Saturn-like moon was its moons. Jupiter has four main moons that were discovered by Galileo.
‘We found that the Galilean moons of Jupiter, one of which is the largest moon in our solar system, would very quickly destroy any large rings that might form,’ Kane said.
Therefore, it may be concluded from this research that Jupiter did not have Saturn-like rings even in the past.
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