Leader of the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), PhonePe, has filed a police report against Paytm workers, claiming that some of its employees burned PhonePe’s QR codes. According to a PhonePe representative, the event is believed to have occurred in Greater Noida, and the business has contacted the Surajpur Lakhnawali police station.
Based on a video showing a stack of PhonePe’s QR codes being lit on fire, the company filed a lawsuit, which is owned by Walmart. A Paytm Area Sales Manager was one of three Softbank-backed Paytm personnel that could be recognised in the video. An ex-employee of PhonePe has been identified as one of the three.
A Paytm spokeswoman responded to specific questions saying, ‘This matter is between Phonepe and its ex-employees. We condemn the act committed by these rogue employees, who have already been suspended from the company pending a detailed investigation’.
‘We do not tolerate any act of misconduct and always stand by the highest standards of work ethics. Paytm has been the pioneer of QR code payments in the country and takes great pride in significantly contributing to the growth of India’s digital ecosystem’, the spokesperson added.
32 million merchant partners use PhonePe’s QR codes nationwide. As of March 31, 2022, Paytm estimates that it had 26.7 million merchants.
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