According to a study released online on Tuesday, August 2, a third of persons with coronavirus (COVID-19) would have a resurgence of their symptoms even after taking the antiviral Paxlovid.
According to the published study, ‘Viral and Symptom Rebound in Untreated COVID-19 Infection,’ 27% of Covid patients experienced a relapse of their symptoms. The study also noted that they had at first gotten better. Preprint denotes that peer-reviewed journal has not yet accepted the paper for publication.
Dr. Davey Smith, a co-author of the paper, remarked, ‘It frequently takes place. After not receiving Covid treatment and feeling well, a person may have symptoms.’ Dr Smith is also the chief of infectious diseases and global public health at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.
Around 12 per cent of people who have tested for coronavirus, had a ‘viral rebound’, which means days after testing negative, they tested positive again. The study further mentioned that the findings are from people who have taken Paxlovid.
According to Dr. Smith, the recurrence of symptoms could be harsher or even less severe than the initial attack. It’s merely the diversity in the infection’s normal course, he said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated that untreated Covid patients may experience symptom recurrence, as reported by NBC News.
The health department released a health alert in May to warn doctors about Paxlovid rebounding. According to the notice, ‘independent of Paxlovid treatment and regardless of vaccination status, a temporary reappearance of symptoms may be part of the natural history of SARS-CoV-2 infection in certain patients.’
Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Division of Infectious Diseases’ clinical director is Dr. Paul Sax ‘That may be considered the natural course of all viral respiratory infections. There are good days and difficult days, but gradually things improve.’
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