A climate scientist who oversaw an independent examination of the law believes that the considerable clean energy incentives included in the US law signed by President Joe Biden on Tuesday will have a ‘modest but not inconsequential’ impact on future global warming.
According to a recent analysis by Climate Action Tracker, the United States isn’t doing its fair share to keep the planet under a few tenths of a degree of warming even with roughly $375 billion in tax credits and other financial incentives for renewable energy in the law. The scientists evaluate and rank each nation’s climate goals and initiatives. Although some progress was praised, it nevertheless rated American efforts as ‘insufficient’.
According to Bill Hare, the head of Climate Analytics, based in Australia and the company that produces the tracker, ‘this is the largest thing to happen to the U.S. on climate policy.’ ‘When you go back over the last few decades, there’s been a lot of rhetoric, but not a lot of action,’ the speaker said.
This, he said, is action. Despite this, Americans still emit twice as much heat-trapping gases per person as Europeans, according to Hare. The United States has also released more heat-trapping gas into the atmosphere than any other country over time.
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